Natural Remedies for Stretch Marks

What are stretch marks? Stretch marks are those pesky fine lines on the skin surface that often show around skin folds. They form due to the rapid growth of skin tissue which leads to overstretching and tearing. Stretch marks are harmless, they do not have any negative effect on your health as such, they are however of cosmetic concerns and as a result could have a negative impact on the mental health. What Causes Stretch marks? Stretch marks will form in those areas of our body that are often exposed to sudden, continuous stretching. In essence, the rapid increase in the surface of the skin will cause stretching which can lead to tearing. This is often seen in pregnant women when the belly gets bigger in size, in Overweight people, bodybuilders, teenagers due to growth spurts, some medications that would cause weight gain such as steroids, can also lead to stretch mark formation. The most common areas a...